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Crop Tops

Holy shit, do I love crop tops. Men, women, short, tall, slim, thick. I love crop tops on everyone.

My wife is tall and fat. When she wears a crop top, my pants tighten immediately and I worry I’m about to bust the zipper. It doesn’t even matter if she’s wearing a bra or not. She just looks so fucking good. I love squeezing her waist, and then rubbing my hands down her sides as they flair out into her hips.

I love when she walks around with one on. I love when she lifts her arms, and her tits peak out from underneath. I love when she bends over and I can see so much underboob from behind. It’s just so great.

They’re making a big comeback for women, and I hope it bleeds over into men wearing them too. I get so thirsty seeing crop tops.

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