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About Me and This Webite

Who am I? I am the eponymous Nerdy Daddy. The name is meant to be a bit cheeky as I am literally a father and a nerd, but probably no one’s “daddy”. I’m a married cis man that swings any which way. Which is to say I am bisexual/pansexual. I can’t tell which is the more correct term. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I’m not terribly picky concerning the details of my attraction to others.

This little slice of internet is where I put my writings and thoughts (and if I ever feel up to it, art as well). It’s a creative outlet that let’s me play with ideas, and explore my own thoughts and feelings.

You’ll find some blog posts with thoughts about sex, love, toys, and undergarments. You’ll also find some stories I have written. Due to my sexual thoughts wandering any which way, you’ll find that they cover a variety of topics. I’ll tag them so you can skip the ones that don’t interest you.