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Baseball Bat

Last night during sex, my wife told me she felt like she was being fucked by a baseball bat, and I thought it was so fucking hot.

When we talk dirty during sex, it’s usually a lot of positive affirmations toward each other. We find each other attractive, and during sex, we ramp up those feelings and say things to try and make each other hornier. Honestly, I think she’s better at it than I am. It’s also really easy to make me horny with nice words.

Now, my cock is comfortably bigger than average. In fact, it’s currently peaking out of my shorts as I type this (though, admittedly, I wear my shorts short). However, it’s not my dick size that appeals to her, and she’s probably exxagerating some for my horny benefit. She doesn’t care about dick size. It’s not what gets her going.

Generally, her attraction is to my personality and sense of humor. Her horniness is, generally, personality and feelings driven. I work hard to make her feel loved. Visually, she does like my long torso, dark features, and mature, older gentleman looks. I lean into those preferences by wearing clothes that emphasize those features.

She’s also told me that I have a juicy peach of a booty, and I make sure to wear pants and shorts that make that booty pop!

Also, I don’t think I have a giant ego, and I assume she doesn’t think I do either (shit, I hope she doesn’t think I have one!). I don’t go around trying ot make people feel worse about themselves because I’m so great. I don’t trash talk others or belittle physical looks. I don’t pretend my dick is some holy relic. I don’t get defensive when my wife talks about someone else she thinks is really hot. What would that do for me? Not a damn thing.

However, I would be lying if my head didn’t swell when she talks about my cock. I know I’m not the biggest, and we both like cocks of any size. But when she’s riding me and says “I’ve had it up to here with you” while placing her hand several inches above her belly button (much deeper than anyone could reach), it gets me harder.

When she’s blowing me and I feel her teeth and she gags when she tries to deepthroat me, my cock swells a little more.

When she moans about how I’m stretching her out so much, my wood becomes diamond.

When she’s whispers into my ear, “oh fuck, you’re so big”, I just explode with confidence… I also cum real hard.

Again, I’m not some sex god (and people who think that about themselves makes me gag). I’m an overall really average person, but I like my body. I like my cock, and I love when people say nice things about me and how I look.

I do sometimes fear that I actually have a giant ego because I love to hear my wife talk about my big cock, but that’s nonsense. It’s not a problem to like hearing nice things about yourself, even when it’s something superficial like dick size. It’s what you do with those compliments that matter. It’s that you make sure that others who are different (or have more or less of a feature) don’t feel lesser.

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